

About FabbuNet

With FabbuNet, you can make life better while also fostering a more sustainable planet

Our Story

Our story began with two brothers who wondered about a better way of life. In 2022, Rashko Arnaudov and Alexander Arnaudov set themselves the goal of reducing the footprint on the environment. After discovering that heating and cooling account for 40% to 60% of a home’s energy consumption, they began researching efficient and smart home solutions.

At fabbunet, we do things differently. We’re Planet Positive. We believe that through technology, we can improve the way people, homes, and cities use and consume energy to create a sustainable future.

We aspire to be a Welcome Guest. As a guest in your home, fabbu is always ready to help.

We set ourselves apart through Thoughtful Innovation. We don’t just innovate for innovation’s sake. Instead, fabbunet reimagines the everyday in ways that go beyond simple improvements to challenge the status quo.

Fabbunet believes in Memorable Care. We offer the right help at the right time, including human support that exceeds expectations.

The future linked home is more than just smart. Your wants, actions, and preferences are taken into account as it learns, changes, and adapts. It’s not just about adding more gadgets with showy features; it’s about using thoughtful solutions that mesh so seamlessly that they become a natural part of your life. The fabbunet home is a peaceful environment that provides comfort when you’re there and security while you’re away.

If you let fabbunet into your house, we can have an even bigger impact. We can contribute more to creating a sustainable future if we live in more homes. Consider this your invitation to join us in pondering a world with more peace and harmony.

Our vision

Fabbunet views being invited into your house as a privilege, just like any good visitor. We want to be made to feel at home by finding practical solutions for comfort, security, and conservation that go so well together that you keep inviting us back. We can do more to contribute to the creation of a sustainable world the more homes we live in.    

Out Impact

The founders of fabbunet set out to provide individuals with smart home solutions that encourage behaviours that benefit the environment. Since then, we’ve come a long way, but there’s still work to be done. Because things are getting greener as we expand, we need your assistance.

Our Vision Is To Create A Community Hub

Our goal is to build a community center where everyone can learn about the latest technology and debate how they can use it to improve things rather than just creating a market where people can buy the tools they need.

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