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Product Reviews>Security Cameras

The Best Smart Security Cameras for 2024


By Rashko Arnaudov / Updated January 28, 2024

The Best Smart Security Cameras

Smart security cameras have become indispensable tools for enhancing the safety and security of households. Their importance is underscored by several compelling reasons that make them a crucial component of a comprehensive home security system. The mere presence of visible security cameras serves as a powerful deterrent against potential criminal activities. The knowledge that a property is under surveillance discourages burglars and intruders, significantly reducing the likelihood of break-ins or trespassing.

Smart security cameras offer the invaluable benefit of real-time monitoring. Homeowners can keep a vigilant eye on their property, regardless of their physical location. This instant access to live footage contributes to a heightened sense of security and enables swift responses to any suspicious activity.

In the unfortunate event of a security breach or criminal activity, smart security cameras play a crucial role in evidence collection. The recorded footage becomes vital for law enforcement investigations and insurance claims, providing clear documentation of incidents.

We extensively review and rate a variety of the best smart security cameras each year, ranging from budget options to premium, advanced setups. Here we provide you with comprehensive information to help you choose the best home security camera system for your needs

The Best Smart Security Cameras in 2024

Arlo Pro 4 Security Camera

Pro 4 Wireless Security Camera 

Google Nest Cam

Google Nest Camera

Nest Cam with floodlight

Nest Cam with Floodlight 

Google Nest Doorbell

Google Nest Doorbell 

Wyze Cam v3 Pro

Wyze WiFi Camera V3 Pro 

Wyze Video Doorbell

Wyze Video Doorbell Pro 

Whether it’s the friendly face of the delivery person dropping off a package or the unexpected visitor that raises alarm, home security cameras reveal the world outside your door. They are the bridge between your home and the outside world, ensuring that even when you’re miles away, you’re still connected to what matters most. So, let them be your eyes, your memory, and your shield – safeguarding your haven and preserving the moments that make it uniquely yours.

In-Depth Exploration: Our Most Rigorously Tested Picks

Best Overall

Arlo Pro 4 Security Camera

Pro 4 Wireless Security Camera


4.3 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Pro 4 Wireless Security Camera is a cutting-edge surveillance solution designed for individuals and households prioritizing advanced security features and the convenience of wireless technology. Tailored to meet the needs of a diverse audience, this smart security camera is particularly well-suited for various user profiles.

Ideal for homeowners seeking to enhance the security of their residences, the Pro 4 offers a robust monitoring system with features that provide real-time insights into property surroundings. Its versatility extends to small business owners looking for an efficient and reliable surveillance solution to safeguard their assets.

Tech enthusiasts will appreciate the Pro 4’s advanced wireless capabilities and seamless integration with smart home ecosystems. The camera’s compatibility with various platforms makes it an appealing choice for those who value cutting-edge technology and interconnected home devices.

Families concerned about the safety of their loved ones and property will find the Pro 4 Wireless Security Camera to be a valuable addition. Its user-friendly interface ensures accessibility for all family members, fostering a sense of security and peace of mind.

The Pro 4 caters to individuals prioritizing remote monitoring, allowing them to check in on their home or business premises from anywhere. This feature is particularly beneficial for those with busy lifestyles or travel commitments.

Suited for those who prefer a DIY approach to security installations, the Pro 4’s wireless design simplifies the setup process. This accessibility makes it an excellent choice for individuals without extensive technical expertise, empowering them to take charge of their security.

Arlo Pro 4 Spotlight

(Credit: Tech Guide

Reasons for Our Selection

Utilizing advanced wireless technology, the Pro 4 offers a cable-free setup, simplifying installation and allowing flexible camera placement without the constraints of wired connections. This feature alone enhances the convenience and adaptability of the security system.

Boasting high-resolution imaging capabilities, the Pro 4 ensures crystal-clear video footage, providing detailed visuals for effective surveillance. This is particularly crucial for identifying faces, objects, and activities within the camera’s field of view.

One of the standout features of the Pro 4 is its real-time monitoring capability. Users can stay connected to their property or business premises from anywhere, accessing live video feeds and staying informed about activities in and around their monitored area.

The Pro 4’s versatility shines through its ability to cater to various security applications. Whether securing a residential property or monitoring a small business, its adaptability makes it suitable for a range of environments and user needs.

Seamless integration into smart home ecosystems is another key strength of the Pro 4. This compatibility allows users to incorporate the security camera into their existing smart home setup, enhancing overall home automation and control.

The camera features a user-friendly interface, ensuring accessibility for a broad audience. Its intuitive design allows both tech enthusiasts and those less familiar with technology to navigate and utilize its features effortlessly.



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Best Smart Detection

Google Nest Cam

Google Nest Camera


4.3 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Google Nest Camera is designed for individuals and households seeking a reliable and intelligent smart camera solution. It caters to those who prioritize seamless integration with the Google Nest ecosystem, offering advanced features such as remote monitoring, high-quality video streaming, and intelligent alerts. Ideal for tech-savvy users who value security and convenience, the Google Nest Camera is suitable for both homeowners and renters looking for a robust and user-friendly smart home surveillance solution.

google nest camera

(Credit: Tech Avisitor

Reasons for Our Selection

The Google Nest Camera earns its reputation as an outstanding smart security camera through a combination of advanced features, seamless integration, and an elegant design. Its intelligent surveillance capabilities, including high-quality video streaming and smart alerts for motion and people, elevate home security to a new level.

Designed to seamlessly integrate with the Google Nest ecosystem, this camera offers users a comprehensive and unified smart home experience. The Google Nest app provides an intuitive interface for effortless management and monitoring, ensuring that users can easily stay in control of their security.

Beyond its functionality, the Google Nest Camera boasts a modern and sleek design that adds a touch of sophistication to any environment. Its aesthetic appeal makes it not just a security device but also a beautiful addition to home or office settings.

Reliability and consistent performance are key attributes of the Google Nest Camera, instilling confidence in users for their security needs. Whether used for home protection or business surveillance, this camera delivers a dependable solution.

The user-friendly interface, accessible through the Google Nest app, ensures that setting up, monitoring, and managing security settings are straightforward processes. This accessibility makes the Google Nest Camera suitable for users of varying technical expertise.



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Best Security Camera With Floodlight

Nest Cam with floodlight

Nest Cam with floodlight (wired)


4.3 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Nest Cam with floodlight is tailored for individuals and households seeking a comprehensive and advanced outdoor security solution. This smart camera is ideal for homeowners who prioritize robust surveillance capabilities coupled with powerful lighting. It caters to those who value seamless integration with the Nest ecosystem, offering enhanced features such as high-definition video streaming, intelligent motion detection, and the added benefit of integrated floodlights. Suited for tech-savvy users looking to bolster their outdoor security, the Nest Cam with floodlight is designed for those who want a reliable and sophisticated smart camera system.

nest cam with floodlight

(Credit: Google

Reasons for Our Selection

First and foremost, the camera’s high-quality video and imaging capabilities ensure that users can capture clear and detailed footage of their surroundings. Equipped with advanced imaging technology, the Nest Cam performs reliably in various lighting conditions, providing optimal surveillance day and night.

One of the key strengths of this smart security camera lies in its intelligent motion detection capabilities. The advanced algorithms distinguish between routine movements and potential security threats, allowing users to customize alert settings and minimize false alarms. This ensures that users receive notifications for meaningful events, enhancing the camera’s overall efficiency.

The integrated floodlight adds another layer of functionality to the Nest Cam. Serving a dual purpose, the built-in floodlight illuminates the monitored area and acts as a deterrent to potential intruders. Users can control the floodlight manually or set it to activate automatically upon detecting motion, providing an extra level of security to the premises.

Two-way communication is facilitated through a built-in speaker and microphone, allowing users to engage with visitors, delivery personnel, or potential intruders remotely. This feature adds an interactive element to the surveillance system, enhancing its practicality.

The Nest Cam is designed to seamlessly integrate with various smart home ecosystems, allowing users to monitor and control their security system through a unified platform. Compatibility with popular voice assistants such as Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa further enhances the user experience.

Cloud storage options and continuous recording features ensure that users can access and review footage remotely. This not only provides a convenient means of monitoring but also ensures that important events are captured and stored securely.

The user-friendly mobile app complements the Nest Cam’s hardware capabilities. With features such as real-time streaming, playback, and remote control of camera settings, the app provides an intuitive interface for users to manage their security system effortlessly.



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Best Security Camera With Doorbell

Google Nest Doorbell

Google Nest Doorbell


4.4 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Google Nest Doorbell is intended for homeowners and individuals who want to enhance the security and convenience of their front door. Whether you’re a busy professional, a parent, or simply someone who values peace of mind, this doorbell offers seamless integration into your smart home. It’s designed for those who seek a more connected and secure living experience, with user-friendly features that make it accessible to all.

Google Nest Doorbell Design

(Credit: Wired

Reasons for Our Selection

The Google Nest Doorbell stands out as an exceptional smart security solution for several compelling reasons, making it highly regarded among users. Its high-definition video streaming capability provides clear and detailed footage of the front door area, ensuring precise monitoring of the property. The doorbell’s advanced motion detection algorithms distinguish routine activities from potential security threats, minimizing false alarms and delivering meaningful notifications to users.

Designed for seamless integration with the Google ecosystem, the Nest Doorbell complements other Google devices and services like Google Home and Google Assistant, offering users a unified and cohesive smart home experience. The two-way communication feature allows real-time interaction with visitors, adding an extra layer of convenience and security, particularly for busy households.

The continuous video recording options ensure users have a comprehensive timeline of activities, facilitating event review and maintaining a thorough record of security footage. Remote monitoring through a dedicated mobile app provides users with flexibility and peace of mind, allowing them to stay connected to their security system whether at home or away.

The Nest Doorbell is designed for user-friendly installation, making it accessible for both homeowners and renters. Its straightforward setup contributes to a positive user experience. Privacy features, including customizable motion zones and privacy settings, empower users to tailor their surveillance preferences, ensuring the device operates in alignment with individual privacy concerns.



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Google Nest doorbell Review 

Best Budget

Wyze Cam v3 Pro

Wyze WiFi Camera v3 Pro


4.4 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Wyze WiFi Camera v3 Pro is tailored for a diverse audience seeking an affordable yet feature-rich smart security camera solution. Its design and capabilities make it particularly well-suited for various user profiles.

Firstly, it appeals to budget-conscious consumers who prioritize cost-effectiveness without compromising on essential security features. The affordability of the Wyze WiFi Camera v3 Pro positions it as an attractive option for individuals looking for effective yet economical security solutions.

For those building or expanding their smart home ecosystem, the camera is an ideal choice, making it suitable for smart home enthusiasts. Its seamless integration with other Wyze devices and compatibility with popular smart home platforms contribute to a comprehensive connected living experience.

wyze cam v3 Pro

(Credit: Tom’s Guide

Reasons for Our Selection

Boasting high-definition video resolution, the camera ensures clear and detailed footage, crucial for effective surveillance and precise incident capture. The advanced motion detection technology intelligently distinguishes routine movements from potential security threats, minimizing false alarms and ensuring users receive notifications for relevant events.

The camera seamlessly integrates with the Wyze ecosystem, allowing users to create a comprehensive and interconnected smart home environment. This integration enhances the overall user experience by providing a unified platform for managing different devices.

Designed with user-friendly installation and setup in mind, the Wyze WiFi Camera v3 Pro offers a straightforward process, making it accessible even for individuals without advanced technical skills. Its compact design and easy installation contribute to its versatility, adapting to different living environments, whether in a rental property or a permanent residence.

Wyze’s commitment to providing regular firmware updates ensures that the camera’s performance is continually optimized. This dedication to improvement enhances the longevity and functionality of the device.

Remote monitoring capabilities through a dedicated mobile app allow users to access real-time streaming and recorded footage from anywhere. This feature adds a layer of convenience and peace of mind, especially for users on the go.



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Another Great Option For a Doorbell Camera

Wyze Video Doorbell

Wyze Video Doorbell


4.2 Awesome 

Target Audience

Primarily, it appeals to budget-conscious consumers prioritizing cost-effectiveness without compromising essential security features. The affordability of the Wyze Video Doorbell positions it as an attractive option for those seeking a reliable smart doorbell without a high price tag.

For those building or expanding their smart home ecosystem, the doorbell is an ideal choice, making it suitable for smart home enthusiasts. Its seamless integration with other Wyze devices and compatibility with popular smart home platforms contribute to a comprehensive connected living experience.

The doorbell is well-suited for DIY home security users who prefer the simplicity and user-friendly nature of self-installation and setup. Its straightforward installation process ensures accessibility for users who may not have advanced technical skills.

Versatility is a key strength, making it suitable for both renters and homeowners. The Wyze Video Doorbell’s compact design and easy installation make it adaptable to various living environments, providing flexibility for different housing situations.

Wyze Video Doorbell

(Credit: TechHive

Reasons for Our Selection

The doorbell provides high-quality video resolution, ensuring crisp and clear footage. This high level of detail is crucial for effective surveillance, enabling users to identify people and activities around their front door with precision. Equipped with advanced motion detection, the Wyze Video Doorbell intelligently discerns between routine movements and potential security threats. This minimizes false alerts, ensuring users are only notified of significant events, and enhancing the device’s overall reliability.

The doorbell seamlessly integrates with the Wyze ecosystem, offering users a cohesive and interconnected smart home experience. This integration allows for centralized control and monitoring of various Wyze devices through a unified platform. Designed with a focus on user-friendliness, the Wyze Video Doorbell is easy to install and set up. Its DIY-friendly nature ensures that users with varying technical expertise can efficiently implement the device without professional assistance.

The doorbell offers remote monitoring through a dedicated mobile app, enabling users to access real-time streaming and recorded footage from anywhere. This feature provides convenience and peace of mind, especially for users who are away from home. Prioritizing user privacy and security, the Wyze Video Doorbell includes customizable settings and privacy features. This empowers users to have greater control over their surveillance preferences, ensuring the device aligns with individual privacy concerns.



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