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product Reviews > Smart Thermostats 

The Best Smart Thermostats for 2024


By Rashko Arnaudov, Updated January 3, 2024

The Best Smart thermostats for 2024

Having a thermostat in our homes is not just a modern convenience; it’s a key element in creating a comfortable, energy-efficient living space. A thermostat provides precise control over the indoor temperature. This means you can easily adjust the climate to your liking, ensuring a comfortable environment year-round. Whether it’s warmth during winter or a cool retreat in summer, the thermostat puts climate control at your fingertips.

Smart thermostats, in particular, offer advanced features that contribute to energy efficiency. They can learn your habits, adapt to your schedule, and optimize heating or cooling when needed. This not only enhances comfort but also reduces energy consumption, leading to potential cost savings on utility bills.

Many modern thermostats, especially smart ones, offer remote accessibility through mobile apps. This means you can control your home’s temperature from anywhere, ensuring that your living space is at the ideal temperature when you arrive home or adjusting settings while away to save energy.

For quite some time, smart thermostats have been making waves in the market. While they may not have overshadowed the prevalence of conventional thermostats, their unmatched capabilities offer enhanced control and convenience. Here are the ones we consider worthy of your investment.

The Best Smart Thermostats in 2024

ecobe smart thermostat

Ecoobe Smart Thermostat

Amazon Smart Thermostat

Amazon Smart Thermostat

Honeywell Llyric T5

Honeywell Lyric T5 

Wyze Programmable Smart WiFi Thermostat

Wyze Programmable Thermostat 

Google nest learning thermostat

Nest Learning Thermostat 

In summary, having a thermostat in our homes is a practical and environmentally conscious choice. From precise temperature control and energy efficiency to cost savings and remote accessibility, thermostats offer a range of benefits that enhance both comfort and sustainability in our living spaces.

In-Depth Exploration: Our Most Rigorously Picks

Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium

Best Overall 

Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium


4.5 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium is meticulously crafted for a discerning audience that appreciates advanced features, energy efficiency, and seamless integration within a sophisticated smart home environment. Specifically catering to smart home enthusiasts, this thermostat aligns seamlessly with comprehensive smart home ecosystems, offering a centralized control hub for various connected devices.

Designed for tech aficionados who seek cutting-edge technology, the Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium goes beyond basic temperature control, providing the latest innovations in home automation. It is an ideal choice for energy-conscious users aiming to optimize heating and cooling systems, contributing to reduced energy consumption and environmental sustainability.

Homeowners with extensive smart home setups will find the Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium indispensable, as it effortlessly integrates with other smart devices and platforms, ensuring a synchronized and unified home automation experience. Customization enthusiasts will appreciate the advanced settings and programming capabilities, allowing for personalized temperature control tailored to individual preferences.

Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium

(Credit: AppleInsider)

Reason for Out Selection

The Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium stands out as an exceptional choice for discerning users seeking a top-tier smart home climate control solution. With cutting-edge technology and advanced features, this thermostat offers a sophisticated approach to home automation.

One of its key strengths lies in energy efficiency. The Ecoobe Smart Thermostat Premium provides precise control over heating and cooling systems, optimizing energy consumption for potential cost savings and reduced environmental impact.

Customization options are extensive, allowing users to tailor climate settings to their preferences, schedules, and comfort levels. This adaptability ensures an individualized and optimal home environment.

Seamless integration into existing smart home ecosystems is a hallmark of this thermostat. It effortlessly connects with other compatible devices, providing a unified and synchronized smart home experience that enhances overall convenience and control.

The user-friendly interface adds to its appeal, making advanced technology accessible to a wide range of users. Clear settings, easy navigation, and straightforward controls contribute to a positive user experience, catering even to those new to smart home technology.



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Best Under $100

Wyze Programmable Smart WiFi Thermostat

Wyze Programmable Smart WiFi Thermostat


4.0 Good 

Target Audience

The Wyze Programmable Smart WiFi Thermostat is designed for a tech-savvy and budget-conscious audience seeking an efficient and affordable smart home climate control solution. Ideal for those who appreciate simplicity in design and functionality, this thermostat caters to users looking for seamless integration within their smart home ecosystem without compromising on quality. With programmable features and WiFi connectivity, it offers an accessible and user-friendly option for individuals looking to upgrade their home’s temperature control capabilities.

Wyze Programmable Smart WiFi Thermostat

(Credit: CNET)

Reasons for Our Selection

The Wyze Programmable Smart WiFi Thermostat has earned its reputation as an outstanding choice for various reasons, making it a top pick among smart thermostat options.

First and foremost, its affordability sets it apart in the market. The Wyze thermostat offers an impressive array of smart features at a budget-friendly price, making it accessible to a wide range of users. This affordability does not compromise the quality or functionality of the device.

The user-friendly interface and straightforward installation process contribute to the overall appeal of the Wyze thermostat. Whether you are tech-savvy or new to smart home devices, the simplicity of use ensures a hassle-free experience from initial setup to day-to-day operation.

One of its notable features is seamless integration with popular smart home ecosystems. The Wyze thermostat is compatible with platforms like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing users to incorporate it into their existing smart home setups effortlessly. This compatibility enhances the overall interconnectedness of smart devices.



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Wyze Programmable WiFi Thermostat Review 

Most Affordable 

Amazon Smart Thermostat


4.2 Awesome 

Target Audience

The Amazon Smart Thermostat is a versatile solution designed for a diverse audience seeking an accessible and user-friendly entry into smart home climate control. Ideal for those who value simplicity and efficiency, this thermostat caters to various user profiles:

For Smart Home Beginners, the Amazon Smart Thermostat provides an easy-to-use and budget-friendly introduction to home automation. It is equally suitable for Budget-Conscious Consumers looking for an affordable yet capable smart thermostat without compromising essential features.

Users already immersed in the Amazon Echo ecosystem will find seamless integration, making it an ideal choice for Echo enthusiasts seeking compatibility with their existing smart home devices. The thermostat is also well-suited for those with Basic Climate Control Needs, prioritizing straightforward temperature control without advanced programming or learning capabilities.

Amazon Smart Thermostat

(Credit: CNET)

Reason for Out Selection

Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the thermostat boasts a straightforward installation process and an intuitive interface. This accessibility caters to both tech-savvy individuals and those new to smart home devices, ensuring a hassle-free experience from initial setup to day-to-day operation.

Seamless integration into popular smart home ecosystems, particularly with Amazon Alexa, is a standout feature. This compatibility allows users to effortlessly incorporate the thermostat into their existing smart home setups, enhancing the overall interconnectedness of their devices.

Remote accessibility is facilitated through WiFi connectivity, enabling users to control and monitor home temperatures from anywhere. This level of flexibility ensures that users can manage climate control settings remotely through a dedicated mobile app.

Energy efficiency is a key focus, with the Amazon Smart Thermostat offering programmable features that empower users to create personalized schedules for heating and cooling. This optimizes energy usage and has the potential for long-term cost savings.

Compatibility with a variety of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems ensures versatility, making the thermostat adaptable to different home configurations and setups.



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Amazon Smart Thermostat Review 

Best Design

Honeywell Llyric T5

Honeywell Lyric T5 Thermostat


4.2 Awesome 

Target Audience

The Honeywell Lyric T5 Thermostat is crafted to cater to a diverse audience with a focus on smart home technology, energy efficiency, and user-friendly functionality. Tailored for those who actively integrate smart devices into their homes, it seamlessly connects with various smart home ecosystems. This thermostat is particularly attractive to individuals prioritizing energy efficiency, as it optimizes heating and cooling systems, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower utility costs.

Designed for tech-savvy homeowners who appreciate cutting-edge technology, the Lyric T5 offers advanced features like remote control through a mobile app and compatibility with virtual assistants. It strikes a balance for budget-conscious users, providing essential smart features without compromising on performance.

The Lyric T5 is well-suited for individuals with dynamic schedules, allowing for personalized heating and cooling schedules tailored to different times of the day or week. It is a suitable choice for those residing in regions with moderate climates, where precise temperature control and energy efficiency are still crucial.

(Credit: Lowe’s)

Reason for Out Selection

Affordability is a key strength of the Lyric T5, providing users with an optimal balance between cost and advanced features. It serves as a cost-effective entry into the world of smart thermostats without compromising on functionality.

Designed for user-friendliness, the thermostat boasts an intuitive interface and a straightforward installation process. This design caters to both tech-savvy individuals and those new to smart home devices, ensuring a seamless experience from initial setup to day-to-day operation.

The Lyric T5 seamlessly integrates into popular smart home ecosystems, offering compatibility with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. This compatibility enhances the overall interconnectedness of smart devices within the home, providing users with a unified and streamlined smart home experience.

Incorporating geofencing technology, the thermostat adjusts temperature settings based on the proximity of users’ smartphones. This feature enhances energy efficiency by ensuring optimal climate control when occupants are approaching or leaving the home.

Energy-saving features, such as scheduling and adaptive learning, contribute to optimized energy usage. This can lead to potential cost savings on energy bills over the long term, making the Lyric T5 a financially prudent choice.



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Honeywell Lyric T5 Thermostat Review 

Google Nest Learning Thermostat

Best Automatic Settings

Nest Learning Thermostat


4.5 Excellent 

Target Audience

The Nest Learning Thermostat is meticulously crafted for a tech-forward and environmentally conscious audience, offering a sophisticated and intuitive climate control solution. Tailored to meet the needs of individuals who prioritize energy efficiency and seamless integration within a smart home ecosystem, this thermostat stands out as a premier choice for those with a penchant for cutting-edge technology.

Designed with a sleek and modern aesthetic, the Nest Learning Thermostat not only enhances the visual appeal of any home but also provides intelligent climate management. Its learning capabilities and automation features make it an ideal choice for homeowners seeking an innovative solution to optimize energy usage.

This thermostat is perfect for individuals who appreciate the convenience of remote control, allowing users to adjust temperature settings from the palm of their hands through a user-friendly mobile app. The Nest Learning Thermostat is more than just a temperature control device; it’s a smart home investment for those who value efficiency, modern design, and the latest advancements in home automation technology.

(Credit: Google)

Reason for Out Selection

At the core of its brilliance is its unique learning capability. The thermostat adapts to users’ habits, intelligently adjusting temperature settings based on preferences and daily routines. This not only optimizes comfort but also significantly enhances energy efficiency without requiring constant manual adjustments.

Renowned for its energy-saving prowess, the Nest Learning Thermostat offers programmable scheduling and learning algorithms that contribute to substantial cost savings on energy bills. Its ability to efficiently manage heating and cooling systems is a testament to its commitment to sustainability.

The convenience of remote control is another standout feature. With WiFi connectivity, users can effortlessly control and monitor home temperatures remotely, ensuring comfort and control whether they are at home or away. The intuitive Nest mobile app enhances this level of accessibility.

Versatility is a key strength of the Nest Learning Thermostat. Designed to work with various heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, it adapts to the unique requirements of a wide range of homes and configurations.

Advanced sensor technology is employed to detect occupancy, enabling the thermostat to adjust settings accordingly. This feature not only enhances energy efficiency but also contributes to a more intuitive and responsive climate control system.

In a commitment to continuous improvement, Nest provides regular software updates. This dedication to ongoing development ensures that the thermostat evolves with new features and improvements, enhancing its longevity and maintaining its status as a cutting-edge smart home device.



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Nest Learning Thermostat Review

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