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Product Reviews>Smart Coffee Machine 

De'Longhi Eletta Explore Bean to Cup with Cold Brew Review


By Rashko Arnaudov/ Last Updated November 24, 2023 

De'Longhi Eletta Explore Coffee Machine

Placing just under $2,000 on a fancy coffee machine is undoubtedly a lot of money. But it was worth it for me. With all the fancy coffee shops especially Starbucks in my neighborhood, my daily coffee costs come out to just under 10 dollars a day, it pays for itself every day. 

But what made me fall in love with the coffee machine to such an extent is the variety of flavors and the easy way to prepare it ( I prepare my coffee while still lying in bed). As a daily coffee drinker, it is extremely important to me that my day starts with a delicious coffee, which of course wouldn’t be the case without De’Longhi.

Just the fact that I can make my own Starbucks- the equivalent espresso that I want is worth the price.



De'Longhi Eletta Explore Overview

I recently had the pleasure of trying out the De’Longhi Eletta Explore Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Cold Brew, and I must say, I was impressed. 

This machine is packed with features that allow you to create over 50 different recipes with ease, including lattes, cappuccinos, iced lattes, and cold brews. The built-in conical burr grinder has 13 settings, which means you can use any beans of your choice and still get the perfect grind, dose, and brew every time.

(Credit: Vimeo

One of the things I loved about the De’Longhi Eletta Explore is the Hot and Cold Foam Technology. The LatteCrema Hot System textures milk or your favorite milk alternatives to perfection for classic espresso beverages like lattes and cappuccinos.

 The LatteCrema Cool System delivers velvety milk cold foam at the ideal temperature for iced drinks. Plus, you can enjoy cold brew in under 3 minutes with De’Longhi’s Proprietary Cold Extraction Technology.

The 3.5” TFT full-touch, colorful display and soft-touch control icons make it easy to navigate and select your favorite recipes. And when it comes to cleaning up, the auto-clean function and detachable, dishwasher-safe design make it a breeze.

Overall, the De’Longhi Eletta Explore is a fantastic machine that allows you to unleash your creativity and enjoy your favorite espresso beverages, both hot and cold, at home.

Setting up the De'Longhi Eletta Explore: Instructions and Steps.

I’ll be sincere, when I first got my hands on the DeLonghi coffee machine, I thought setting it up was horrendously difficult. Well, it turned out to be surprisingly easy. 

With the machine itself, you get a quick guide and De’Longhi Eletta Explore provides a quick guide on how to get the machine up and running with fairly easy-to-follow steps. In addition to this, the machine itself tells you what to do on the display screen. 

Just rinse the water tank and carafes, connect the machine, and adhere to the on-screen instructions. It will prompt you to select your language, fill the water tank, load the bean feeder, attach the waterspout, and initiate a cleaning cycle using 0.2 liters of water, with a container beneath the dispenser spouts. Once this process is complete, the machine is set to operate.

Panel for control and Intelligent Functionalities.

When you set up the machine you can program individual user profiles. You only get 4 profiles, which may be woefully insufficient for households, but these profiles are designed to save your favorite drinks in the favorites section and, accordingly, set their preparation from your phone even when you wake up in your bed. But you can very easily dispense and customize drinks without them.

The interface comprises a vibrant touchscreen presenting a scrollable menu featuring various drink icons, along with settings and profile selection prompts. Positioned beneath each icon is a plus button, providing access to an adjustment screen for customizing volume size and brew intensity.

(Credit: Emmi. lv

Nevertheless, you have the option to configure intelligent functionalities. The display screen shows a QR code for downloading the De’Longhi app. Simply scan the code and proceed to download the app.

The procedure is uncomplicated. Create an account, establish an internet connection, link your coffee machine, and voila—your smartphone transforms into a remote control. Brew your favorite drinks, monitor your machine’s status, explore fantastic hot or cold coffee recipes, and enjoy a delightful magazine section, all accessible directly from your phone.


With a refrigerated carafe filled with milk, all you need to do is plug it into the machine-let the Explore handle the rest.

The application provides insights into the number of drinks brewed by the machine and allows you to configure the automatic shut-off timer—an excellent energy-saving functionality.

As a result, you can’t leave a cup under the dispenser overnight with the intention of using your phone to make coffee the next morning while you’re still in bed. However, you can utilize the app to activate the machine, allowing you to come downstairs, swap the cups, and press the brew button effortlessly.

Hot and Cold Foam Technology

I was blown away by the De’Longhi Eletta Explore’s Hot and Cold Foam Technology. The LatteCrema Hot System perfectly textures milk or milk alternatives for classic espresso beverages like lattes and cappuccinos. I loved how the LatteCrema Cool System delivered velvety cold foam at the ideal temperature for iced drinks.

I was able to create over 50 recipes, both hot and cold, at the touch of a button. The machine’s Cold Extraction Technology allowed me to enjoy a cold brew in under 3 minutes. This proprietary technology uses precisely measured water flow and pressure rates, along with specific extraction temperatures, to create a delicious Cold Brew coffee in no time.

(Credit: DeLonghi

The De’Longhi Eletta Explore’s full-touch display and soft-touch control icons made it easy to navigate and craft my favorite espresso beverages with ease. The built-in conical burr grinder with 13 settings delivered the perfect grind, dose, and brew every time.

Clean-up was a breeze thanks to the auto-clean function and detachable, dishwasher-safe design. I was able to personalize my favorite hot and cold recipes to my taste for the perfect brew, every time.

Overall, the Hot and Cold Foam Technology of the De’Longhi Eletta Explore made it a top contender for anyone looking to create a variety of delicious espresso beverages at home.

Interface for Users

The De’Longhi Eletta Explore features a 3,5 inch ( 8,9 centimeter) color touchscreen display. On the left and right of the display, you will see soft buttons with beautiful pictures about the way you want to prepare the drink itself ( To Go, Cold and Hot). 

The touch screen menu operates seamlessly, allowing you to effortlessly navigate through the extensive range of specialty drinks available. After making a Selection, you can customize settings and save drinks to user profilies. I must note that the user interface of the Eletta explore is exceptionally user-friendly. 


De'Longhi Eletta Explore display

(Credit: Biofreear.live

Built-In Conical Burr Grinder

I was impressed with the built-in conical burr grinder of the De’Longhi Eletta Explore Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Cold Brew. With 13 settings, I was able to freshly grind the coffee beans of my choice and enjoy a perfect cup of coffee. The burr grinder ensures that the coffee is ground evenly, which is essential for a great-tasting cup of coffee.

I appreciated the convenience of having the grinder built-in, as it saved me time and effort. I didn’t have to worry about buying a separate grinder or cleaning it after use. The machine takes care of everything, and I can focus on enjoying my coffee.

DeLonghi Burr Grinder

(Credit: Caras

Overall, the built-in conical burr grinder is a great feature of the De’Longhi Eletta Explore Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Cold Brew. It produces a high-quality cup of coffee with minimal effort, making it an excellent choice for anyone who loves coffee.

Cold Brew in Under 3 Minutes

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the De’Longhi Eletta Explore Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Cold Brew has a proprietary Cold Extraction Technology that allows me to enjoy cold brew in under 3 minutes. This feature is perfect for those hot summer days when I crave a refreshing cold coffee.

The machine is incredibly easy to use, and I love that I can customize my cold brew to my liking. The 50+ Hot & Cold Recipes feature is a great addition, and I’ve enjoyed experimenting with different recipes. The built-in conical burr grinder with 13 settings ensures that I can use any beans of my choice, and I always get a fresh and flavorful cup of coffee.

The LatteCrema Cool System delivers velvety milk cold foam at the ideal temperature for iced drinks, making it perfect for my iced lattes. The 3.5” TFT full-touch, colorful display and soft-touch control icons make it easy to filter between recipes for simple and intuitive selection.

DeLonghi Eletta Explore Coffee Machine Specs

Weight (Kg)
Rated voltage/Frequency (V~Hz)
220-240 V / 50-60 Hz
Input power (W)
Touch display
Milk System
LatteCrema Hot Technology
Twin Shot
Bean Adapt Technology


After using the De’Longhi Eletta Explore Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Cold Brew, I can confidently say that it is a great investment for any coffee lover. The machine is incredibly easy to use and delivers delicious coffee every time.

The built-in conical burr grinder with 13 settings lets me experiment with different coffee beans and grind sizes, and the hot and cold foam technology creates perfect foam for both hot and cold drinks.

What I love most about the Eletta Explore is the ability to make over 50 different recipes with just a touch of a button. I can easily make my favorite classic espresso beverages like latte and cappuccino, as well as iced drinks like iced latte and cold brew. The Cold Extraction Technology allows me to make cold brew in under 3 minutes, which is perfect for hot summer days.

The machine’s full-touch display and soft touch control icons make it easy to navigate and select my favorite recipes. The auto-clean function and detachable, dishwasher-safe design make cleaning a breeze.

Overall, the De’Longhi Eletta Explore Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with Cold Brew is a versatile and user-friendly machine that allows me to unleash my creativity and enjoy my favorite espresso beverages at home. It’s worth the investment for any coffee lover who wants to have a café-style experience at home.

How We Tested?

We spend a lot of time testing various smart innovative technologies these days that make our daily lives easier. We conduct extensive research on the manufacturers of the various products to ensure they meet our standards. 

Once we are confident in the capabilities of a product, we fit it into our home to see what it’s like to live with it every day. The reason for this is to see to what extent the product integration process is facilitated and whether the features the product boasts are real.

From there on, we evaluate how the products perform by subjecting them to different conditions. It’s the process of rigorously testing every single feature to make sure the product adds a specific benefit to the smart home. Once we know what it’s like to live with the product, only then do we offer our recommendation.

What kind of drinks does the Eletta explore make?

The De’Longhi Eletta Explore is a versatile coffee machine that prepares a diverse range of specialty drinks. From classic espresso to rich cappuccinos and creamy lattes, this machine offers a delightful variety to cater to different tastes. 

Whether you’re in the mood for a robust black coffee or a frothy, indulgent beverage, Eletta Explore’s extensive menu ensures a satisfying choice for every coffee enthusiast. Its user-friendly interface allows you to navigate the options effortlessly, customize settings, and even save your preferred drinks to personalized user profiles.

 The machine’s exceptional performance and variety make it a standout choice for those who appreciate a broad spectrum of coffee experiences.

Does De'Longhi Eletta Explore have WIFI?

No, the De’Longhi Eletta Explore does not feature Wi-Fi capabilities. While it provides advanced functionality and a user-friendly interface, it does not have wireless connectivity for remote control or smart home integration. The machine relies on direct user input and does not connect to Wi-Fi networks for additional features or updates.

Can you make regular coffee in a Delonghi?

Yes, you can make regular coffee in a De’Longhi coffee machine. De’Longhi offers a variety of coffee machines, including those that are capable of brewing standard drip coffee. Additionally, some models provide the flexibility to make various coffee styles, such as espresso, cappuccino, and more, offering a versatile brewing experience to suit different preferences.

What is the difference between DeLonghi Eletta and Dinamica?

The De’Longhi Eletta and Dinamica are both high-quality coffee machines with distinctive features. While the specific differences may vary depending on the exact models, there are some general characteristics that set them apart.

The De’Longhi Eletta typically offers a broader range of specialty drinks and customization options. It often features a touchscreen interface for easy navigation, multiple user profiles for personalized settings, and a variety of beverage options, including espresso, cappuccino, and lattes.

On the other hand, the Dinamica series is known for its emphasis on simplicity and efficiency. It may have a more streamlined interface and a focus on user-friendly controls. The Dinamica is often praised for its rapid heating and brewing capabilities, making it a convenient choice for those who prioritize speed without sacrificing quality.

Ultimately, the choice between the De’Longhi Eletta and Dinamica depends on individual preferences, desired features, and the specific model within each series. It’s recommended to review the specifications of the particular models you’re considering to determine the exact differences and find the one that best suits your needs.

Ultimately, the choice between the De’Longhi Eletta and Dinamica depends on individual preferences, desired features, and the specific model within each series. It’s recommended to review the specifications of the particular models you’re considering to determine the exact differences and find the one that best suits your needs.

Does DeLonghi need a filter?

Whether a De’Longhi coffee machine requires a filter depends on the specific model and type of machine. Some De’Longhi coffee makers are designed to work with paper filters, which can help improve the quality of the brewed coffee and simplify the cleaning process. These filters can trap coffee grounds and absorb oils, contributing to a smoother cup of coffee.

On the other hand, certain De’Longhi machines, especially those with built-in grinders or specific brewing systems, may not necessarily require paper filters. These machines often have their own filtration systems or use permanent filters that can be easily cleaned and reused.

To determine whether your De’Longhi coffee machine needs a filter, refer to the user manual that comes with the specific model you own. The manual will provide detailed information on whether a filter is recommended or required for optimal performance and maintenance.

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