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Product Review > Robot Vacuum Cleaner

Eufy Clean X9 Pro Review: Redefining Home Cleaning


By Rashko Arnaudov Updated April 26, 2024

Eufy Clean X9 Pro

Keeping your home clean can sometimes feel like chasing a moving target. Just when you think you’ve tidied up every corner, another mess appears out of nowhere. From spills on the kitchen counter to dust accumulating on shelves, the task of maintaining cleanliness can seem never-ending.

But don’t despair! With a bit of effort and some practical strategies, you can stay on top of the cleaning game. Whether it’s setting a regular cleaning schedule, enlisting the help of household members, or investing in efficient cleaning tools, there are plenty of ways to tackle the challenge head-on. 

The solution to these cleaning woes? Enter the Eufy Clean X9 Pro robot vacuum cleaner. With its advanced features and powerful suction capabilities, this smart cleaning companion is here to revolutionize your home maintenance routine. The Eufy Clean X9 Pro effortlessly navigates through your home, tackling dirt, dust, and debris with precision and efficiency.

Equipped with intelligent mapping technology, it knows exactly where to go and what areas need attention, ensuring thorough cleaning every time. Plus, with its mopping function, you can achieve sparkling floors without lifting a finger. 

However, if you want another robot vacuum cleaner, you can check out our detailed guide to the best robot vacuum cleaners in 2024.



What's in the box?

  • Clean, and dirt water tank 
  • Extra filter
  • The Charging Base
  • Charging adapter 
  • Setup Guide

Eufy Clean X9 Pro: Design

The Eufy Clean X9 Pro is a sleek-looking robot vacuum cleaner, but it’s bulky like the others on the market with its dimensions of 17.4 x 16.6.2 x 16.4 inches/ 44.3 x 42.2 x 41.6 cm.

The increased size of the device is essential for accommodating the clean and dirty water tanks, each capable of holding approximately one gallon of water. Constructed from durable plastic, these tanks feature a secure locking hinge to ensure closure and a convenient built-in handle for easy transportation. Additionally, the device incorporates a built-in heated drying system to prevent unpleasant odors and mold growth on the mop.

With its multiple sensors located all around the robot, it allows it to avoid everyday objects. Whether it’s detecting walls, furniture edges, or even pet bowls, the Eufy Clean X9 Pro’s sensors enable it to map out your space and plan the most efficient cleaning route. Additionally, cliff sensors prevent the robot vacuum from falling down stairs or ledges, providing peace of mind while it cleans. 

Eufy X9 Pro Vacuum Cleaner

(Credit: Wired

Battery life

The battery life of the Eufy Clean X9 Pro is impressive, providing extended cleaning sessions without interruption. With its high-capacity lithium-ion battery, this robot vacuum can efficiently clean large areas on a single charge. Depending on the cleaning mode and the space size, the Eufy Clean X9 Pro can run for up to 150 minutes before recharging.

When the battery level becomes low, the vacuum returns to its charging dock to recharge, ensuring it’s always ready to resume cleaning when needed. With its long-lasting battery life, the Eufy Clean X9 Pro offers uninterrupted cleaning performance, allowing you to enjoy a cleaner home without worrying about constant recharging.

Eufy x9 pro battery life


Setting up your Eufy Clean X9 Pro robot vacuum cleaner is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few simple steps. First, unbox the vacuum and remove all packaging materials. Next, ensure the battery is fully charged by placing the vacuum on its charging dock and connecting it to a power source.

Once charged, download the EufyHome app on your smartphone and create an account if you haven’t already. Follow the in-app instructions to connect your vacuum to your home Wi-Fi network. Once connected, you can customize settings such as cleaning schedules, cleaning modes, and virtual boundaries directly from the app.

Finally, place the vacuum in the desired starting location and press the power button to begin cleaning. With these steps completed, your Eufy Clean X9 Pro is ready to start keeping your home clean and tidy with minimal effort required from you.

eufy x9 pro setup

Mop Master

The Cleaning function of Eufy X9 Pro, Mop Master consists of dual-rotating dynamic pentagonal mops that rotate at revolutions per second with a pressure of 2.2 Ib, making them very good at cleaning. 

But what I appreciate is that the Mop Master technology cleans with pure water without using any kind of chemicals, which is exceptional for young families with children who crawl on the floor. 

By default, the auto-clean station is set to self-clean during a cleaning session the ensure that the mop pads are clean with absolutely no dirt. In this way, cleaning your home, the robot vacuum cleaner will not leave you any mess and dirt. 

Carpet Detection

The thing I am extremely impressed with is the presence of the carpet detection sensor. in case the robot climbs onto the carpet, it will raise its mops located at the back to prevent the carpet from getting wet

Once on a carpeted surface, the vacuum adjusts its suction power to provide deeper cleaning and more thorough removal of dirt, dust, and debris trapped within carpet fibers.

Eufy X9 Pro: App

The Eufy X9 Pro Robot vacuum cleaner connects to your smartphone via the Eufy Clean app, which is one of the easiest to navigate and set up. Thanks to the applications, its simplified interface frees unwanted clutter. 

Another great feature of the app is that you can set where the vacuum starts cleaning and where it ends. You can also choose how to clean each room. For example, you can choose one room to be vacuumed, and another to be mopped, and there are different settings for suction power and amount of water used during each cleaning process. 

Eufy Clean X9 Pro App

In addition to all the listed functions that the app provides, it plays a key role in the maintenance of the robot vacuum cleaner, checking the status of all the accessories of the machine ( Side Brush, Rolling Brush, Filter, Sensors.. ), while informing you in case of irregularities. 

Privacy Security

Privacy and security are paramount with the Eufy Clean X9 Pro robot vacuum cleaner. Eufy prioritizes the protection of your data and ensures that your privacy is respected at all times. The Eufy Clean X9 Pro operates independently and does not require access to your personal information or Wi-Fi network to function.

Additionally, Eufy does not store or transmit any data collected during the cleaning process to third-party servers. All cleaning maps and data remain securely stored on the device itself, giving you full control over your privacy. With Eufy’s commitment to privacy and security, you can have peace of mind knowing that your personal information is safe while enjoying the convenience of a clean home with the Eufy Clean X9 Pro.

Eufy X9 Pro: Specs

Total weight:
Base station noise level:
Maximum suction:
Maximum runtime:
Recharge time:
4 hours


The Eufy Clean X9 Pro stands as a remarkable solution to modern home cleaning needs. With its powerful suction, intelligent navigation, and advanced sensor technology, it effortlessly tackles dirt, dust, and debris, leaving your floors sparkling clean. The inclusion of a mopping function adds versatility to its capabilities, ensuring a comprehensive cleaning experience.

Moreover, its sleek design and user-friendly features make it a welcome addition to any household. From its efficient cleaning performance to its convenience-enhancing features, the Eufy Clean X9 Pro redefines the way we approach home maintenance. 

Can you put cleaning solution in eufy X9?

No, you should not add a cleaning solution directly to the Eufy X9. This robot vacuum is designed to clean using dry methods, such as its vacuuming and mopping capabilities. Adding a cleaning solution to the device can potentially damage its components or interfere with its functionality.

Additionally, using cleaning solutions not recommended by the manufacturer may void the warranty. If you want to use a cleaning solution for mopping, it’s best to apply it separately to the surface being cleaned and allow the Eufy X9 to mop with water only. Always refer to the user manual for proper maintenance and usage instructions to ensure the longevity and performance of your Eufy X9.

What is the suction power of EUFY X9 pro?

The Eufy X9 Pro robot vacuum cleaner features a powerful suction capability designed to effectively lift dirt, dust, and debris from various floor surfaces. However, the exact numerical value of its suction power may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer specifications. It’s recommended to refer to the product manual or official specifications for precise details on the suction power of the Eufy X9 Pro model you are interested in.

How long does it take eufy to clean a room?

The time it takes for a Eufy robot vacuum to clean a room can vary depending on several factors, including the size of the room, the amount of furniture and obstacles present, and the cleaning mode selected. On average, it may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours for a Eufy robot vacuum to thoroughly clean a standard-sized room.

However, larger rooms or rooms with more obstacles may take longer to clean. Additionally, Eufy robot vacuums are equipped with advanced navigation technology that allows them to efficiently map and clean rooms, optimizing their cleaning routes for faster and more effective cleaning.

How long does it take eufy to clean a room?

Why is my eufy x9 Pro not mopping?

If your Eufy X9 Pro is not mopping, there could be several reasons for this issue. Firstly, ensure that the water tank is properly filled and securely attached to the robot vacuum. Check if the mop attachment is correctly installed and free from any obstructions that may prevent it from making contact with the floor. 

Additionally, verify that the mopping function is enabled in the Eufy Home app or on the robot vacuum itself. If the problem persists, try cleaning the mop attachment and the sensors to ensure they are not blocked by debris. If none of these steps resolve the issue, contact Eufy customer support for further assistance.

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